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For those who love sports!

Happy to be female!
We protest against violence & we love Sex ;)


Cheers fathers!
Of course our girls generally love sex! However many of them prefer the company and Sex with experienced, elder men.
Particularly those who maybe are already fathers know well to please a young woman and are in return very happy to be tampered by a young girl.
Therefore we are sending our congratulations to all fathers today!

Hello dear Gentlemen!
My name is Ramona,
I am 29 years,
my height is 170, and
my weight is 57 kg.
I speak English and a little German.
I love fitness, sun shine walking, travelling and to go to the cinema and of course genuine sex.
I require nothing but everything is possible: I am ready to completely meet all your wishes and unlimited playful fantasies.

Hallo sehr geehrte Herren!
Mein Name ist Ramona,
ich bin 29 Jahre,
170 groß und
wiege 57 kg.
Ich spreche englisch und ein wenig deutsch.
Gerne treibe ich Fitness, gehe ins Kino und spazieren und ich reise sehr gern und oft.
Alles geht, nichts muss: Einem sympathischen Herren sind bei Sympathie keine Grenzen gesetzt.

Wishing you a Happy Labor Day!